3DWorld (96/293)

From:Timo K Suoranta
Date:17 Apr 2000 at 12:28:38
Subject:Re: RMB

On Mon, 17 Apr 2000, Andreas Hippauf wrote:

> When you get control of rightmousebutton in windowmode, please tell us
> on this list! I think more people want to know this. (I am very
> interested for using this in lightforce)

If this is unsolved problem as it seems to be, we should ask H&P / Sam
Jordan / who ever makes StormMesa, to let user have RMB control. It is
a must have feature - I couldn't imagine using a 3D modelling software
in fullscreen just to get the right mouse button.

-- Timo Suoranta -- tksuoran@cc.helsinki.fi --